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Allowing specific YouTube videos

A new feature has been added to CyBlock version 9.1.0 that will allow specific YouTube videos, but continue to block the rest of the domain.

  1. Go to Web Management – Application Controls.
  2. Select the policy for which the YouTube video will be allowed.¹
  3. Enter the URL for the video in the New Video ID field and click green button
  4. The Video ID will be stripped from the URL and shown in the field below.


¹ The TV/Video Streaming category must already be blocked in the selected category.

² Use Ctrl+V to paste it in the field. Do not right-click and paste.

Automatic service start in a Linux environment

In order to automate the start of any Wavecrest process in a Linux environment, please perform the following steps:

  1. Install the Wavecrest product.
  2. Copy the file …/wc/service/cyfin.init (or cyblock.init).
  3. Paste the file into the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory.
  4. Open the file in an editor.
  5. Locate the three instances of:
  6. Replace each line with the appropriate install path:
    • /root/Wavecrest/CyBlock
    • /root/Wavecrest/Cyfin
  7. Save the file as “CyBlock” or “Cyfin.”
  8. Run one of the following commands:
    • chkconfig –level 2345 CyBlock
    • chkconfig –level 2345 Cyfin
  9. systemctl enable CyBlock.service




Enabling X11 upstream forwarding

Forwarding of X11 source IP information can be enabled by editing the proxy.cfg file.

  1. Navigate to C:\Wavecrest\CyBlock\wc\cyblock\db.
  2. Stop the CyBlock service.
  3. Open proxy.cfg in an editor such as NotePad.
  4. Between the  <TOP> and </TOP> entires, add the following line:
    • <param keyword=”xforward_enabled” value=”true” />
  5. Restart the CyBlock service.


Disappearing entries in Authentication Manager

There is a known issue with Authentication Manager in versions prior to 6.8.2e. Adding a new bypass entry appears to delete all other entries. A service restart may alleviate the issue until the next entry is added.

Upgrading to at least version 6.8.3a is recommended (Administration – Product Update).

Note:  A new release with a redesigned user interface and enhanced functionality is available. Get more information on this upgrade at

Error connecting to Outlook Cloud

If you receive an error when connecting to Outlook Cloud, authentication may need to be bypassed in CyBlock.

  1. Go to User Management – Authentication and select the Bypass tab¹ ².
  2. Click the green button button³.
  3. Under URL or Domain, enter the URL of the Outlook Cloud (ex:
  4. Under User-Agent, enter * (asterisk).
  5. Click Add.


¹ For version 9.0.5 and later: User ManagementAuthentication – Manager

² For version 6.8.3a and earlier: Advanced Settings – Proxy Settings – Authentication Manager

³ For version 9.0.5 and earlier: Click Add new bypass entry.

Permission error message on CyBlock Client installation

The CyBlock Client installation requires the following prerequisites:

  1. .NET Framework 4.0 or later: dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64  [actual install file name]
  2. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable:
    • 64-bit: vcredist_x64    [actual install file name]
    • 32-bit: vcredist_x86    [actual install file name]

Users will get permission error messages if these prerequisites are not installed first.

If the installation fails due to lack of proper prerequisites, do the following:

  • Close out failed installation.
  • Download and install prerequisites (noted above).
  • Reboot the workstation.
  • Install CyBlock Client.

Note:  Remember to configure CyBlock Client via the system tray procedure.

Downloading Windows 8 apps through CyBlock Proxy & CyBlock Appliance

Windows 8 Store does not respond to authentication requests. This can cause errors with downloading applications through the proxy.

Authentication can be bypassed in the Authentication Manager.

  1. Navigate to User Management – Authentication and select the Bypass tab¹.
  2. Click the green button button².
  3. Create the following three separate entries (with asterisks):
URL or Domain User-Agent
* *
* *
* MSappsHost/*


¹ For version 6.8.3a and earlier: Advanced Settings – Proxy Settings – Authentication Manager
² For version 6.8.3a and earlier: Click Add new bypass entry at the bottom of the Bypassed section of the screen.