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How to change Administrator e-mail

The Administrator e-mail address can be configured by editing the appropriate file:

  1. In the Wavecrest directory, navigate to the appropriate location:
    • Cyfin:  …\Wavecrest\Cyfin\wc\cf\db\
    • CyBlock:  …\Wavecrest\CyBlock\wc\cyblock\db\
  2. Stop the service.
  3. Open the file cfs.cfg (or cbs.cfg), with an editor such as WordPad.
  4. Find the following line: ADMINISTRATORS_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FROM=
  5. Enter the new e-mail address and save the file.
  6. Restart the service.
  7. Go to Settings – E-Mail¹ to run a test with the current administrator’s e-mail address.


¹ For version 6.8.3a (CyBlock)/8.8.3a (Cyfin) and earlier: Setup – Email.

Configuring date/time on the appliance

There are two ways to set the time on the appliance.

Method 1: Synchronizing with NTP

Newer appliances have been updated to include a daily cron job (scheduled task) to sync the date/time setting.

  1. To enable advanced options, enter http://<applianceip>/setadv.php in the browser address bar, and set the flag to enabled¹.
  2. Navigate to System Status – ADV Shell Scripts.
  3. Enter the following, and click Submit:

yum install ntpdate -y
echo ntpdate > /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate
chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate

Method 2: Manual entry of date/time

1. Follow the above instructions to get to ADV Shell Scripts.

2. Enter the current date and time manually, using the following format

date -s “ddMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss”

3. Click Submit.


¹ For version 6.8.3a and earlier, the shell-script executor is located in the hidden menu. In the browser address bar, enter http://<applianceip>/admin/hidden.php. In the Appliance section, select Shell Script Executor. Enter the commands above.

How to adjust the time zone in reports

If the time zone appears to be off in the reports, you can make an adjustment in the Wavecrest directory.

  1. Stop the Cyfin (or CyBlock) service.
  2. Open the following file in an editor (such as WordPad) …\Wavecrest\Cyfin\wc\cf\db\cfs.cfg.
    – For CyBlock: …\Wavecrest\CyBlock\wc\cyblock\db\cbs.cfg.
  3. Find the line TIMEZONE_ADJUST=0.
  4. Set adjustment to ‘x’ or ‘-x.’
  5. Restart the service.

Note:  If you are utilizing the Report Database, log files will need to be reimported to reflect the correct time.

How to allow LinkedIn while blocking Social Networking

LinkedIn is filtered under the Social Networking category. To allow LinkedIn, while continuing to block other Social Networking sites, you can create a custom allowed category.

  1. Navigate to Categorization – Customize – URLs¹.
  2. Select the Custom option, and enter a name for the allowed category.
  3. In the Custom URLs field, add the following entries (including asterisks). Each entry must be on its own line.
    – *
    – *.licdn.*
  4. Click Submit.

Note:  Custom categories are initially allowed by default, but can be changed to fit certain policies.


¹ For CyBlock version 6.8.3a and earlier:

  1. Create a custom category by navigating to Advanced Settings – Category Setup – Custom Categories.
    – Enter a category name and click Submit.
  2. Add URLs to the custom category by navigating to Advanced Settings – Category Setup – Edit URLs.
    – Select your created category and enter the URLs in the Supplemental URLs field.

Changing time zone on appliance

To set the time zone on the appliance, do the following:

  1. In your interface address bar, go to http://<IPaddress>/setadv.php and enable the adv flag setting
  2. Go to the ‘System Status — ADV Shell Scripts (Pre v905 – Go to http://<applianceIP>/admin/hidden.php and select the shell script link)
  3. Run the command:
    cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/<Time zone city> /etc/localtime
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Enter the date. (date -s “ddMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss”)
  6. Click Submit.
  7. You should now be on the correct time zone.

Here is a breakdown of time zone cities:

Los_Angeles = Pacific Time Zone
Denver = Mountain Time Zone
Chicago = Central Time Zone
New_York = Eastern Time Zone

Also this path cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/US has files specifically for Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern time zones.

How to allow iTunes to bypass authentication

Users configured to go through the proxy may experience connection issues with iTunes.

To allow iTunes to bypass authentication, two entries need to be added to the Authentication Manager.

  1. Open the CyBlock interface and navigate to User Management – Authentication¹ ².
  2. Select the Bypass tab.
  3. Click the green button green button in the upper right-hand corner to add a new bypassed entry.
    – For “URL or Domain,” enter * (with asterisk). For “User-Agent,” enter an asterisk (iTunes/*). Click Add.
  4. Add a second bypassed entry.
    – For “URL or Domain,” enter an asterisk (*). For “User-Agent,” enter iTunes/* (with asterisk).


¹ For CyBlock version 9.0.5 and later: User Management – Authentication – Manager. Click Add new bypass entry at the bottom of the Bypassed list.

² For CyBlock version 6.8.3a and earlier: Advanced SettingsProxy SettingsAuthentication Manager. Click Add new bypass entry at the bottom of the Bypassed list.