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Tag: authentication manager

How to troubleshoot Web sites that do not authenticate

This applies to CyBlock Software, CyBlock Appliance, and CyBlock Cloud.

If you have troublesome Web applications that fail to authenticate, you can turn off authentication for that specific IP address to determine if it is an authentication problem.

  1. Go to User Management – Authentication.
  2. On the Rules tab, create a rule as follows:
    • For the network definition, select IP Address/Subnet.
    • For the type of authentication, select Disabled.
    • Enter the IP address of the computer that is experiencing an issue.
    • Add the rule.
  3. Try to access the site again.

If the test is successful, that is, you are able to get to the site, the problem is authentication, and you can add the URL to the Bypassed list in the Authentication Manager.

If the test is unsuccessful, the issue is not authentication, but proxying/filtering. Contact Technical Support for assistance.

For CyBlock Cloud, customers will need to contact Technical Support to have troublesome URLs added to the Bypassed list.


See also:

Users prompted to enter credentials when accessing specific sites

To stop users from receiving authentication prompts for specific sites, you can bypass authentication for these sites in the Authentication Manager.

  1. In the interface, go to User Management – Authentication and click the Bypass tab.
  2. Click the green green button button to add a new bypass entry.
  3. Enter the URL in question. You can use asterisks (*) as wildcards.
  4. For User-Agent, enter an asterisk (*).
  5. Click Add.



Disappearing entries in Authentication Manager

There is a known issue with Authentication Manager in versions prior to 6.8.2e. Adding a new bypass entry appears to delete all other entries. A service restart may alleviate the issue until the next entry is added.

Upgrading to at least version 6.8.3a is recommended (Administration – Product Update).

Note:  A new release with a redesigned user interface and enhanced functionality is available. Get more information on this upgrade at

Error connecting to Outlook Cloud

If you receive an error when connecting to Outlook Cloud, authentication may need to be bypassed in CyBlock.

  1. Go to User Management – Authentication and select the Bypass tab¹ ².
  2. Click the green button button³.
  3. Under URL or Domain, enter the URL of the Outlook Cloud (ex:
  4. Under User-Agent, enter * (asterisk).
  5. Click Add.


¹ For version 9.0.5 and later: User ManagementAuthentication – Manager

² For version 6.8.3a and earlier: Advanced Settings – Proxy Settings – Authentication Manager

³ For version 9.0.5 and earlier: Click Add new bypass entry.