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Tag: release notes

v9.6.4 Release Notes for Cyfin


  • Reporting
    • Firewall Reporting
      • Palo Alto Firewall reporting now available in addition to Web data. Both types of data can be seamlessly imported and reported on in the Visualizer which has been updated to include pre-configured Firewall dashboards. * Firewall Reporting requires an upgraded license, but evaluation periods are available.
  • Data Management
    • Log Data Setup
      • Updated the location of the wizard buttons for clarity and optimized flow.
    • Log Date Types
      • Updated Sonicwall VPN to include ability to parse NetExtender VPN data.

v9.6.3 Release Notes for CyBlock Software & Virtual Appliance Release Notes


  • Data Managements
    • Log Data Setup
      • Added Microsoft Defender as a configuration option. This feature only available for Cyfin in VM environment.
  • Reporting
    • Dashboard
      • Visualizer
        • Added Dashboard level filters. This allows a filter to be applied to all panels with matching data source on the configured dashboard.
  • Usage statistics
    • Added periodic anonymous usage statistics gathering to improve customer experience.

v9.6.3 Release Notes for Cyfin


  • Data Managements
    • Log Data Setup
      • Added Microsoft Defender as a configuration option. This feature only available for Cyfin in VM environment.
  • Reporting
    • Dashboard
      • Visualizer
        • Added Dashboard level filters. This allows a filter to be applied to all panels with matching data source on the configured dashboard.
  • Usage statistics
    • Added periodic anonymous usage statistics gathering to improve customer experience.


  • Data Management
    • Import
      • Disabled auto importing of syslog enabled log configurations because stream is already automatically imported.

v9.6.2.a Release Notes for Cyfin


  • Logon Accounts
    • Added ability to add additional group permissions to imported logon accounts from Active Directory. 
  • Reporting
    • Visit Filter
      • Updated algorithm for determining hit versus visit to include additional portions of URL.

v9.6.2 Release Notes for CyBlock Appliance


  • Enhancements
    • System
      •  Added ability to import Groups and IDs through Directory Agent.
    • System Status
      • Messages
        • Visualizer
          • Added screen to view Visualizer profiling information.
    • Reporting
      • Dashboard
        • Visualizer
          • Added preconfigured dashboard templates for users to select when creating new dashboards.
          • Updated timeframe selection to always be relative when creating/editing dashboards. Modifying the timeframe in the dashboard view page is only temporary and a button is added to reset back to default timeframe selection. Navigating away also resets the timeframe back to dashboard default.


  • Reporting
    • Dashboard
      • Visualizer
        • Corrected visualizer link in product menu when user account does not have a valid email address by redirecting to logon accounts modification screen.

v9.6.2 Release Notes for CyBlock Software & Virtual Appliance Release Notes


  • Enhancements
    • System
      •  Added ability to import Groups and IDs through Directory Agent.
    • System Status
      • Messages
        • Visualizer
          • Added screen to view Visualizer profiling information.
    • Reporting
      • Dashboard
        • Visualizer
          • Added preconfigured dashboard templates for users to select when creating new dashboards.
          • Updated timeframe selection to always be relative when creating/editing dashboards. Modifying the timeframe in the dashboard view page is only temporary and a button is added to reset back to default timeframe selection. Navigating away also resets the timeframe back to dashboard default.


  • Reporting
    • Dashboard
      • Visualizer
        • Corrected visualizer link in product menu when user account does not have a valid email address by redirecting to logon accounts modification screen.

v9.6.2 Release Notes for Cyfin


  • System
    •  Added ability to import Groups and IDs through Directory Agent.
  • System Status
    • Messages
      • Visualizer
        • Added screen to view Visualizer profiling information.
  • Reporting
    • Dashboard
      • Visualizer
        • Added preconfigured dashboard templates for users to select when creating new dashboards.
        • Updated timeframe selection to always be relative when creating/editing dashboards. Modifying the timeframe in the dashboard view page is only temporary and a button is added to reset back to default timeframe selection. Navigating away also resets the timeframe back to dashboard default.


  • Reporting
    • Dashboard
      • Visualizer
        • Corrected visualizer link in product menu when user account does not have a valid email address by redirecting to logon accounts modification screen.

v9.6.0 Release Notes for CyBlock Appliance


  • Enhancements
    • System
      •  Added ability to import Groups and IDs through Directory Agent.
    • System Status
      • Messages
        • Visualizer
          • Added screen to view Visualizer profiling information.
    • Reporting
      • Dashboard
        • Visualizer
          • Replaced all existing dashboards with Visualizer. This new charting solution allows you to create and save panels on multiple dashboards as opposed to the single view that you had to configure each time you went to the charts. Any non-ad logon will automatically be able to log into the visualizer using the same credentials.