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Tag: database

Error message: database needs to be set up

This message refers to an error within the Derby database. It can be addressed by rebuilding the Superview folder.

Note:  Imported data for the dashboard will be cleared. Regular import data will not be affected.

  1. Stop the Cyfin or CyBlock service.
  2. Navigate to …\Wavecrest\Cyfin\wc\cf\db.
    – For CyBlock: ..Wavecrest\Cyblock\wc\cyblock\db
  3. Delete the Superview folder.
  4. Restart the service.


How to change log file database password in Cyfin

If you have recently changed the password for your log file database, you will need to change it in Cyfin as well. There are two ways to do this.

Method One (Report setup wizard)

This information applies to version 9.3.0 and earlier.

  1. In the interface, navigate to Data Management – Log Data Source – Setup¹.
  2. In the Select Configuration drop-down box, choose your current configuration.
  3. Follow the steps, changing only the password when prompted.
Method Two (Direct file edit)
  1. Stop the Cyfin service.
  2. Navigate to …\Wavecrest\Cyfin\wc\cf\db.
  3. Open logfilesManager.xml in an editor (such as WordPad).
  4. Modify the token <set dbpassword=”****”/> with the new password.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart the service.


¹ For version 8.8.3a and earlier: Logfiles – Setup