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Tag: restore points

Reports Manager appears blank

If the Reports – Manager screen in Cyfin or CyBlock is blank, that is, there are no reports for you to select, the Reports Manager has most likely become corrupt.

To restore the Reports Manager, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings – Restore Points – Download.
  2. Click a date on which the Reports Manager was working to download that restore point.
  3. Save the restore point.
  4. Uncompress the restore point folder.
  5. For Cyfin, go to the …\cf\reports directory.
  6. For CyBlock, go to the …\cyblock\reports directory.
  7. Copy the system folder from the uncompressed restore point.
  8. Stop the CyBlock or Cyfin service.
  9. Go into your local install folder for the product:
    • For Cyfin: …\Wavecrest\Cyfin\wc\cf\reports
    • For CyBlock: …\Wavecrest\CyBlock\wc\cyblock\reports
  10. Rename the local system folder in this directory (OLDsystem).
  11. Paste the system folder that you have copied from the restore point.
  12. Start the CyBlock or Cyfin service.

After these steps, check your Reports – Manager screen to see that it is no longer blank. If it is, please contact Technical Support.

Upgrading and moving the product from an old to a new server

When attempting to move an older version of the product to a new server, perform the following steps:

  1. Upgrade your current installation to the latest 6.x.x or 8.x.x release (6.8.3a or 8.8.3a).
  2. Download the latest release version of the product from the Download page of our Web site
  3. Run the installation package on your current installation to get to the latest release.
  4. In the new interface, create a restore point by going to the Settings – Restore Points – Download screen and clicking Create under Create Restore Point.
  5. Click the new restore point listed under Choose Restore Point to Download.
  6. Download and install the latest version of the product on the new server.
  7. Copy the restore point file to …\wc\[cf|cyblock]\db\restore.
  8. Go to the Settings – Restore Points – Manage screen, and select the correct date of the file to restore.
  9. Select the Configuration Only option, and click Submit.

After the configurations have been restored, you should now have replicated your old installation configuration onto your new server.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact Technical Support at (321) 953-5351, Ext. 4 or