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Tag: bypass entry

Web page or application will not load through CyBlock

When a Web page or application will not load, there is most likely a few possible things that could be in play. Many issues have to do with the site or content delivery network being blocked from another categorized site that is not part of the site you are trying to get to. Below are the troubleshooting steps:

  1. Is there a site being blocked by CyBlock?
    • Check the Real-Time Web Monitor for the IP address of the user in question, and also make sure you have the Authentication Challenge Requests (407) and the Authentication Type check boxes selected.
    • Do you see any URLs that appear in red? These URLs are blocked URLs and must be allowed in one of your filter policies or white lists.
  1. If there are no blocked sites, check for any 407s in the Real-Time Monitor.
    • Copy these URLs with 407s and add them to the User Management – Authentication – Bypass tab. Add the URL in question, with User Agent *.
    • Does the site now load?
  1.  If you have tried the above with still no success, try using another browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
    • Does it work with another browser other than Internet Explorer?
    • If it works with other browsers, it may be the Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode.
    • Open Internet Explorer, go to Tools – Compatibility View settings, and unselect the Display intranet sites in Compatibility View check box.
    • Does the Web page or application now load?

Windows Update through the proxy

If updates fail to run through the proxy, you will need to manually set proxy settings for Windows Update. Additionally, it may be necessary to bypass authentication for certain URLs in order for the updates to pass.

Setting Proxy Configuration for Windows Updates

  1. You can import proxy settings from Internet Explorer by opening a command prompt and entering the following:
    • netsh winhttp import proxy
  2. Additionally, you can manually set the proxy by opening a command prompt and entering the following:
    • netsh winhttp set proxy <Proxy Server>:<Port> “<Exclusion List>”

Bypassing Authentication for Windows Updates

  1. In the CyBlock interface, go to User Management – Authentication and click the Bypass tab.
  2. Add new bypass entries by clicking the green green button button.
  3. Create two separate entries using the following configurations (with asterisks as wildcards).
    • URL or Domain: *             |  User-Agent: *
    • URL or Domain: *   |  User-Agent: *

Users prompted to enter credentials when accessing specific sites

To stop users from receiving authentication prompts for specific sites, you can bypass authentication for these sites in the Authentication Manager.

  1. In the interface, go to User Management – Authentication and click the Bypass tab.
  2. Click the green green button button to add a new bypass entry.
  3. Enter the URL in question. You can use asterisks (*) as wildcards.
  4. For User-Agent, enter an asterisk (*).
  5. Click Add.