Automatic service start in a Linux environment
In order to automate the start of any Wavecrest process in a Linux environment, please perform the following steps:
- Install the Wavecrest product.
- Copy the file …/wc/service/cyfin.init (or cyblock.init).
- Paste the file into the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory.
- Open the file in an editor.
- Locate the three instances of:
- Replace each line with the appropriate install path:
- /root/Wavecrest/CyBlock
- /root/Wavecrest/Cyfin
- Save the file as “CyBlock” or “Cyfin.”
- Run one of the following commands:
- chkconfig –level 2345 CyBlock
- chkconfig –level 2345 Cyfin
- systemctl enable CyBlock.service