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Tag: OtherWise

Participating in OtherWise

We invite you to participate in our OtherWise service to help you reduce the number of uncategorized sites (that is, sites categorized as “Other”). OtherWise is a voluntary and confidential program in which we help you improve the quality and usability of your reports. To participate in OtherWise, simply follow the below steps.

  1. Go to the OtherWise screen.
    • For CyBlock/Cyfin 9.0.5 and later: Go to Settings – Reports – OtherWise.
    • For CyBlock 6.8.3a/Cyfin 8.8.3a and earlier: Go to Setup – Otherwise.
  2. Select the Enable option.
  3. Select the day of the week and hour of the day that you want the data to run.
  4. Click Submit to save your changes, and the data will now be e-mailed automatically to our site analysts at Wavecrest.

Visit our Web site to learn more about our OtherWise program.