Smart Engine. The new Smart Engine allows greater flexibility in the way Dashboard charts and reports are generated with metrics, such as Visits and Time Online. The Smart Engine replaces the need for the previous dashboard database.
Report Database
Metric Server Settings
The metric server settings are displayed on the Configuration Settings screen. They connect the product to the metric server to extract the data for the Dashboard charts and Time Online Analysis report.
Go to Data Management – Report Database – Configuration – Settings to view these settings.
Dashboard Custom Charts
The new Custom charts give you a customizable overview of the Web activity of your top consumers as well as any trends in Internet activity. They provide drill-down capability to generate appropriate detailed audit reports.
Top chart data can be grouped by users, groups, categories, classifications, sites, or user agents and displays the top 10 results in a bar chart or a pie chart. For bar charts, the data can be further subgrouped by users, groups, categories, classifications, sites, or user agents.
Trend chart data can be grouped by users, groups, categories, classifications, or traffic. These time series charts allow you to view the data for a selected user, a group, the top 10 categories or a single category, and one or more classifications, as well as allowed and denied traffic. You may also compare the Web traffic for a predefined date range with a previous period to detect any anomalies in Web activity.
In all charts, the available metrics include Visits, Hits, Denied Visits, Denied Hits, Bytes, and Time Online.
Dashboard Home
On the Trend – Enterprise chart, bytes are shown for all traffic. Previously, bytes were associated with only a subset of the data.
The Top Users and Top Categories charts on this page now show up to the top 10 results of the data instead of the top 8.
Top Charts
In the predefined Top charts, a Subgrouping field allows you to further subgroup data by users, groups, categories, classifications, sites, or user agents.
The drill-down report will be appropriate to the selected Top chart, metric, or subgrouping. For example, if the selected metric is Time Online, the drill-down report will be the Time Online Analysis Report.
Trend Charts
The frequency in the chart is displayed as follows:
If the date range is greater than 3 months, the frequency is monthly.
If the date range is less than 3 months, the frequency is weekly or daily.
In the Trend Categories chart, a new category “Top 10” is available. The Compare time frame option is not applicable to the Top 10 category selection.
The format of the chart title has changed to “Trend Grouping – Selection.”
If data does not exist for the date range, a message is displayed on the chart indicating no data for this time period.
Manager Access to Dashboard Charts. Managers can now view the Web activity of their authorized users on Dashboard charts. These include the customizable and predefined Top and Trend charts.
Print Style Sheet for Charts. Charts can now be printed from the browser without extraneous text printing. Printing should only include the page title and the chart. Print dialog options include Headers and footers and Background graphics which displays the product logo. Note that some browsers may print a blank second page or print the chart on more than one page. This is a browser issue.
Time Online Analysis Report
The report shows the amount of time spent accessing Web sites by user, group, or Enterprise from the following different perspectives: classification (Acceptable, Unacceptable, and Neutral), category, user per category, and hour.
The Top Users or Workstations Activity table in the report shows the set Maximum IDs (e.g., 25) and the remaining IDs (Other IDs) of a sample size. The sample size is a set number of IDs that is used in the metric query to calculate time online. If the total number of users is less than the sample size (i.e., Maximum IDs plus Other IDs), the data will be more accurate than if the total number of users exceeds the sample size.
Sample Reports. The sample Site Analysis and User Audit Detail Reports have been replaced with reports with more data.
Active Directory Manager Grouping Type. The ability to import from Active Directory based on the Manager field has been added. This allows AD logon accounts to be imported for each manager.
Log File Removal. On the Data Management – Log Data Source – Delete screen, a “2 Weeks” option has been added to the Storage Limit field allowing you to delete raw log files older than 2 weeks.
Drill Down on Top Users Chart. The Hits-Visits field in the User Audit Detail Report now shows “Visits Only” or “All Hits” correctly depending on the metric that was run. Previously, this field showed “Visits Only” when the Hits metric was selected.