The ability to pair your local CyBlock installation with multiple CyBlock Cloud accounts is now available on the Hybrid Configuration page. This allows you to extend Web filtering and monitoring to employees in multiple regions.
Any configuration changes, including policy changes, in your local CyBlock instance are automatically synced with all paired cloud accounts. In addition, a manual sync can be performed for all accounts.
Data Management
The cloud log file name is in the format cloudproxy_cloudserver+port_date.txt and is truncated. You can hover over it to view the full name, for example, cloudproxy_cloudcyblockcom11774_20161104.txt.
Real-Time Web Monitor
Your multiple hybrid configurations are displayed in the Data Configuration drop-down field. Monitor the live Web traffic of any cloud account by selecting the associated hybrid configuration. The hybrid configurations display as the pairing cloud server and communication port.
When sync communication is temporarily stopped, the warning no longer appears on the initial setup screen. A message is now displayed on the monitor indicating that the hybrid link is not available.
Your multiple hybrid configurations are also available for selection in Dashboard charts and in reports. The hybrid configurations display as the pairing cloud server and communication port in the Data Configuration field.
Intra-Product Communication Log
The Hybrid Configuration field was added to allow you to filter the messages that you want to view by selecting the specific hybrid configuration. The hybrid configurations display as the pairing cloud server and communication port. This screen is used by Technical Support for troubleshooting purposes.
Custom Date Range in Reports. Due to a browser attribute, when selecting the Custom option for the data range, the error “undefined NaN” is displayed for the Start and Stop dates. This has been corrected.
Drill-Down Report Stop Time. When drilling down on manual reports, the time in the Report Stop Date/Time parameter was off by one hour. This has been corrected.
Dashboard Drill-Down Report Stop Time. When drilling down on Dashboard charts, the Report Stop Date/Time was not including the last hour of the time frame selection. This has been corrected.
Real-Time Web Monitor. In a Hybrid deployment, when the data configuration was switched from the local CyBlock configuration to a hybrid configuration, both local and cloud traffic were being displayed in the same session. This has been corrected to filter the traffic and show only the traffic for the selected data configuration.
PAC File Configuration. On the Settings – Proxy – PAC File screen, in the “Automatic configuration address” field, the period was removed after the URL. Previously, customers were including the period when copying the URL.